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Large range of packaging & tapes
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Established 1936
Centrefold Polythene Sheeting also referred to as plastic sheeting or dust sheeting is a polythene sheet that is folded in the middle and wound onto a roll. It is a versatile product that is used for applications across a large variety of industries and for general use around the home and garden. Applications include floor and general protection of items of vasrious sizes from dust, dirt and scrapes whilst in storage or transit, or against damage during renovation and redecoration.
Depending on what you are looking to protect, the polythene sheeting is available in different thicknesses, most commonly:
If there is a particular colour or thickness of polythene you require which is not on our website, please contact the office on 01422 833855 or enquiries@williamhayes.co.uk for information on pricing and lead times.